Knowing the "Outdoors Learning" model

News Friday, 30 November 2018 12:48

In November of 2018 our esteemed communication coordinator, Jorge Gimeno, entered a journey full of unparalleled adventures. The objective? Learn more about the Outdoors Learning model from Venture Trust, and see how long it takes to miss the smartphone being out there.

The expedition was composed of 13 people, 6 trainers and 6 participants accompanied the intrepid Jorge. In the wild mountains and forests that surround Aviemore (Scotland) for 8 intense days a group of people with a common goal was created, returning for a hot shower. Each day was full of activities and training sessions so that the participants of this trip could develop on a personal level, improve their interaction skills and prepare for a future in the job market. It was hard, complicated and very satisfying. Quoting Jorge: "Seeing how they were maturing and taking advantage of the opportunity that was being offered to them and how they were constructing their objectives for the future was one of the most positive elements of this adventure".

Now begins the great objective, to build a communication campaign that allows to transmit the magic of Outdoors Learning to young unemployed people in Ireland, Poland and Spain so that they can benefit from the FOLM project and fulfill their dreams.

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